A pair of Los Angeles police officers have been fired because they ignored a robbery in progress in order to catch a Snorlax in Pokemon Go, as reported by Vice.
Court documents posted last Friday detailed their appeal to have the City of Los Angeles’ decision to have their employment terminated reversedVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. Former officers Louis Lozano and Eric Mitchell were found to be guilty on multiple counts of misconduct, the evidence of such being captured from their digital in-car video system (DICVS). The recording found the former officers “willfully abdicating their duty to assist a commanding officer’s response to a robbery in progress and playing a Pokemon mobile phone game while on duty.” Their appeal was based on the fact the “City proceeded in a manner contrary to the law by using the DICVS recording in their disciplinary proceeding and by denying them the protections of the Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act.” They lost the appeal.